Hello, Valaxy!

本文最后更新于 3 年前,文中所描述的信息可能已发生改变。(覆盖测试)
{{ frontmatter }}

{ "cover": "https://cdn.yunyoujun.cn/img/bg/girl-in-water-tank.webp", "title": "Hello, Valaxy!", "date": "2022-03-22", "updated": "2022-03-23 19:00:00", "categories": "Valaxy Notes", "tags": [ "valaxy", "笔记" ], "top": 1, "outline": "deep", "excerpt": "Valaxy aims to be a next generation of static blogging frameworks/generators.", "pageTitleClass": "text-4xl text-red" }

What is Valaxy?

Valaxy aims to be a next generation of static blogging frameworks/generators.

什么是 Valaxy?

Valaxy 的目标是成为新一代的静态博客框架/生成器。

More info see valaxy.site.

 * User Config
 * do not use export const, because c12 will set as child property
export default defineValaxyConfig<ThemeConfig>({
  theme: 'yun',

  themeConfig: {
    banner: {
      enable: true,
      title: '云游君的小站',

Here is a footnote reference,

and another.

  1. Here is the footnote. ↩︎

  2. Here’s one with multiple blocks.

    Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they belong to the previous footnote. ↩︎

Nested Z
小云在线征婚 +QQ群 1050458482